En yukarıya git
Elif-Nun-Ye: Its time came; or it was, or became, or drew, near; It (a thing) was, or became, behind, or after, its time; it, or he, (a man) was, or became, behind, backward, or late; it, or he, delayed, or held back. He postponed it, put it off, deferred it, delayed it, retarded it, withheld it, impeded it; An hour, or a short portion, or a time, or an indefinite time; any period of time; the utmost point, reach or degree; A thing of which the time has come, or drawn near: and which has come, or attained, to its time; to its full, or final, time or state; to maturity, or ripeness; signifies Whence? (being an interrogative respecting the direction, or quarter, from which a thing is) and whence (used to denote a condition); Where? and where (used to denote a condition and as one of the adverbial nouns used to denote a condition), whence-so-ever; wherever (from whatever direction or quarter): when; how; however.